How to prepare for CFA Level 1 Exams in Feb 2021

The first computer-based examination for CFA level 1 will be available on February 2021 and will be available between February 23 and March 1, 2021. You can pick the day you take your Level 1 exam within this test window. Depending on the region and the test centre the availability of exam days may vary. The registration has been opened by the CFA Institute. First, you must register on the website of the CFA Institute, then schedule your test on your own platform using the so-called ProScheduler.

You have to consider registering for your examination and beginning your training soon. You must arrange a CFA Level 1 Feb 2021 exams plan before you enter your books which factors are as follows:

  1. Your forces,
  2. Your shortcomings,
  3. Your speed of analysis,
  4. Your History of finance.


Time Management

Your weaknesses and strengths can be linked to issues like time management, research inspiration, diligence and determination. But you have also learned previously about issues as a student or at work. When planning your curriculum, you must take all this in mind. Take a while before you get down to books and think about it.

You are best aware of your strength and weakness but here we would like to draw attention to such primary issues such as prioritisation, planning skills , ability to behave as expected and ability to concentrate. Why does this happen? Contestants for the CFA level 1 exams:

  1. are very busy regularly,
  2. find it difficult to fit your hours of study into your full schedules,
  3. They're no different and sometimes procrastinate,
  4. Successful learning difficulties.


Some tips regarding CFA exam preparation

No error to start preparing for your CFA level 1 May 2021 exams so soon. On the contrary, as long as you can handle your studies properly and use it for your benefit, it can be a very careful and responsible decision.

Here are some tips for doing this:


Developing both hard and soft skills

This also means that you can read about the aspects of the CFA test and test, aside from the study of the CFA curriculum (hard skills). Read the review structure, specifications, policies, etc. as much as possible. Also, learn how long you can study for and study for your exam (soft skills).


Manage your distractions

It will be very poblematic for you to plan your training effectively and to research productively if you keep occupied with anything but your CFA test. Moreover, if you want to be 43 per cent of the candidates who pass their test, the studies would be tempted to take place. This is not a good idea.


Make a clear CFA exam studying strategy

Learning is a process, not an event – any productive process is guided by a good strategy. We suggest 4 words to bring together the approach we suggest: Prepare – Analysis – Evaluate – Determine. We have put this technique into effect in our CFA Exam Planner to help those who feel distracted, unorganised, lazy or unproductive.


Try to make a good study plan

You are planning to do things! Project your summary, but concentrate on your daily tasks. The following level 1 training plan for your own four-month study schedule is a reasonable basis. You can also change it info suit your requirements using our CFA Exam Study Planner. For example, you can assign less hours of study for those items you want, by labelling them as "simple." At the end of this article, we say something about it.


Study on regular basis

Study hard and then rest often – a good student is a restful student. If you study, go to your place of study where nobody is worrying you. Don't worry about the test while you relax. The only solution is safe.


Give Review to yourself and practice

Pay attention! I studied not as equals as I knew. It is due to the oblivion curve that even 60 percent of our analysis is overlooked. You need to check on what you research daily to learn. Train systematically by doing several questions like exams to get to know the test style.


Note down your study progress

If you follow your schedule every week, review. Every week. If you progress, reward yourself, try harder if you don't. Please note that it is okay to change the programme fairly so long as you are not too often and often postponed.


Adjust your study schedule:

You may personalise your programme of study with CFA level 1 August 2021 Exams Study Planner. You can do it this way:

  • Select the series of subjects,
  • Please pick your pre-test CFA start date (do not need to be today),
  • Determine if the subject is straightforward, moderate or difficult for you for each topic (straightforward means you're not new to the subject and can cover the subject much more quickly).
  • Tick the readings you've been researching
  • Choose if you want to stop studying for any weeks and state exactly when
  • Choose some helps to help inspiring you
  • Choose whether to add review sessions to your programme and to complete your curriculum with research tools and review applications in order to improve your job efficiency.
  • Edit each study week by inserting or removing individual readings or simply by using the All Weeks view drag & drop.


How much time do a candidate need

It is estimated that an average person takes approximately 300 hours to prepare well for the CFA level 1 November 2021 exams. It is a medium value, of course, and you do not have to use it. I can say from my own observation that some people will be all right with 150 hours (extremely rare), but some people will need to spend 600 hours before taking the test.

You're probably going to have just 300 hours to do, for example by working in banking, studying banking at universities, and checking yourself. If you describe yourself as a finance greenhorn, however, you barely want to carry out the books or change your area of expertise (of which the CFA test is just a step), you should be prepared for more than 300 hours.

Estimating the amount of hours you need in order to complete your exam is very important. This calculation would allow you to see how long you could spend studying a month, week and day.

This is where we are working with our research planner. You will have about 300 hours of study split into approximately four months if you create a custom level 1 study plan in early August. This time is set so that all 10 topics are taken into consideration and a correct pre-examination review. The average study time per week plus an approximate time for each reading will be listed. It is easier to see how long you have to research every day, every week and even month with this experience.


How a perfect Level 1 CFA Exam Study Schedule Should Look Like:

We start on 19 October 2020 with our sample CFA Level 1 examination plan and finish on 19 February 2021, a few days before your examination. For the next three weeks, you can try to do as many funny tests as possible.

The plan of analysis is divided into four analysis blocks (these are just optimal, I believe). More difficult subjects are combined with simpler ones so that in the meantime you can take a break. The topics are often related to the similarity of the definitions as far as possible. The most important problems, last but not least – that is. Ethics and FRA – are scheduled to be studied in detail relatively early. The length of time schedule depends on the issue, the number of pages in the curriculum and the number of questions on the subject of the exam.

Starting Date : 19th October


1st Block of Study (Oct 19-November 16)

  • Ethics
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Portfolio Management
  • Review QM+PM


2nd Block of Study (Nov 17-Dec 17)

  • Financial Reporting and analysis
  • Corporate finance
  • FRA + CF review
  • QM + PM review


3rd Block of Study (Dec 18-Jan 10)

  • Fixed income
  • Equity investment
  • FI+EI review
  • QM+PM+FRA+CF review


4th Block of Study (Jan 11-Jan 31)

  • Derivative investment
  • Alternative investment
  • Economics
  • DI+ AI+ ECO review
  • Ethics review


Concluding Note

Just look at your curriculum of your CFA Programme. It's 6 books every one, hundred pages. You need much time to read everything from cover to cover – and not even to mention to understand what you read. You need to be structured into a research schedule to make good use of your study time. And remember: both your needs and keep you on track of a successful level 1 study plan! But one more word about study content. I 'd call a conceptual level 1 analysis' as it verifies your general knowledge and financial understanding. It may be a good idea to reflect on some concepts needed during the review to ensure that they are accurate. To achieve this aim, you can take advantage of many available online study materials to make the required dose of information easier to use.



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